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New memberships

Application for new memberships (either WORD or PDF) should be addressed to the Secretary before November 30th prior to the next EMSOS meeting. Applications must include: 

  • a letter of recommendation from two Members, one from the same country as the applicant, and one from another country.
  • a curriculum vitae complete with a list of published papers on musculo-skeletal oncology, including reprints of those of major interest.
  • attendance at one EMSOS meeting

The application will be evaluated by the Executive Committee, acceptance will be communicated by letter to the applicant.

Cancelled memberships

Memberships shall be cancelled:

  • if a member misses 3 consecutive Annual Meetings, without a letter of apology, indicating the desire to participate but the inability to do so;
  • in case of resignation. A letter of resignation must be addressed to the President at least 2 months before the Annual Meeting;
  • in case of exclusion, at the decision of the Executive Committee, due to the behaviour against the Constitution, aims and rules of the Association.