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E.M.S.O.S. Application Form

New Memberships

Application for new memberships should be addressed to the Secretary before November 30th prior to the next EMSOS meeting. Applications must include:

  • a letter of recommendation from two Members, one from the same country as the applicant, and one from another country.
  • a curriculum vitae complete with a list of published papers on musculo-skeletal oncology, including reprints of those of major interest.
  • attendance at one EMSOS meeting

The application will be evaluated by the Executive Committee, acceptance will be communicated by letter to the applicant.

Cancelled Memberships

Memberships shall be cancelled:

  • in case of resignation. A letter of resignation must be addressed to the President at least 2 months before the Annual Meeting;
  • in case of exclusion, at the decision of the Executive Committee, due to the behaviour against the Constitution, aims and rules of the Association.

Online E.M.S.O.S. Application Form

E.M.S.O.S. Application Form

Working appointments now held

Please tell us something about your main activities

Membership and involvements

Letter of Recommendation from two EMSOS Members

(One of the same Country as Applicant and one from another Country)

Upload for application documents

Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, zip, Max. file size: 30 MB, Max. files: 5.
You may upload until 5 documents (Multi -File Upload/ Drag & Drop). Total size of the documents: max. 30 MB. Total amount of documents: 5. Please click on the FILE UPLOAD-Button in order to upload your appliactation form(s). Supported file documents are: *.PDF, *.DOC, *.DOCX, *.XLSX, *.DOC, *.XLS, *.JPG, *.JPEG, *.PNG and *.ZIP. The upload of files may take some time.